サイトアイコン Data

This was reality

This was reality, she thought, this sense of clear outlines, of purpose, of lightness, of hope. This was the way she had expected to live. 

Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

こんにちは、シバタアキラです。(English follows)



そして何よりも、創業者のJeremy Achinと深い関係を築き、お互いを触発しながら多くのことを学びました:



DataRobot Japanをゼロから立ち上げこの5年間、世の中のデータ・AI活用を前進させることにいくばくか貢献することができました。データを蓄積する事で社会的な、なんかすごい価値を生み出せる、という妄想の幾らかは現実になり、これからさらに加速するでしょう。同時に以前は考えも及ばなかったような課題も見えてきました。ここまで一緒にこのビジョンの実現のために戦ってくれたDataRobotのみんな、どうもありがとう。これまで一緒に働いたどのチームよりも最高でした。そして同じくこの夢を見てくれたパートナー企業の皆様、DataRobotのお客様、本当にどうもありがとうございました。またこれをお読みの皆さんに、私のチャレンジを応援していただいた事に、心からお礼申し上げます。


It’s been a long while since my last post. I have an announcement today: I’m resigning from my position at DataRobot.

My experience level skyrocketed while I was at DataRobot. I was able to so fully leverage my experience and failures as a scientist, a business person and an entrepreneur all at once, and do my job in passion in the way only I was able to do. This lead me to feel profound satisfaction.

Above all, I learned a great deal in my mutually inspiring relationship with Jeremy Achin, the founder of DataRobot:

Jeremy kept saying “I want people’s lives to up by 10x if they come work for DataRobot”. I was like “how do you measure that?” But now that I think, my life upped by well over 100x in this 5 and a half years. That’s the kind of mega opportunity I was fortunate enough to enjoy.

Jeremy left the company in March, followed by tectonic org changes. I’m not here to judge. It’s my second time going through an event of this sort and as I wrote 6 years ago when I got kicked out of my own company, it happens all too often. It does seem my life is relatively tumultuous though…

Since I started DataRobot Japan 5 yeas ago, I was fortunate enough to contribute to the big progress of data and AI as actually applied in the real world. Significant parts of people’s fantasy that “accumulation of data can generate an unprecedented amount of value” became true and it will continue to. We also came far enough to realize that there are issues that we didn’t think we will have to worry about. I want to express my profound gratitude to everyone at DataRobot who fought with me to get here. I’d like to sincerely thank partners and customers of DataRobot Japan for dreaming the same dream with us. And to all those who are reading this, thank you for all your support for my challenges.

It would only drive me into despair by thinking about finding any opportunity equatable to this, but I’d like to find my next step, more like my next passion, in talking with my friends. I’ll look forward to continuing to imagine the future with you in continuing with my blog and the PodCast I started last year!
